Did you notice? We’ve launched a new look for our Web site. It took a little longer than we hoped – client work comes first! – but we think it was worth the wait.
Our goal throughout the design process was to keep it simple. Fewer choices and concise copy, all inside a giant, glowing red pixel. We designed the site so that it would look good on a desktop screen and work well on an iPad or other (lesser) tablets.
We updated our portfolio so we could show off the recent work we’ve done. My favorites are the clown feet poster for ODC Drug Free, and the Brescia University Web site, and the Visit Madisonville Web site, and the Bar-B-Q festival logo and the Bluegrass, Blues and Barbecue Region Web site, and well, I could go on and on. Just see for yourself.
As we find time we will evolve the site and learn what works and what doesn’t. We’d love to hear what you think – drop us a line.
Welcome to our fancy new Web site!