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RPS Blog Info Plugin

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The RPS Blog Info plugin uncovers previously obscured but valuable information and places it in the WordPress Toolbar for convenience.

The Toolbar displays the post ID for pages, posts and attachments and the blog ID, useful for multisite configurations; hovering over those items reveals menus with the additonal information.

The post ID and blog ID are used most often in shortcodes that reference other pages, such as in RPS Include Content – a plugin that makes it easy to create and invoke an include file for placing the same content on numerous posts or pages.

The additional information displayed on hover is useful for site editors, developers and server admins alike. The post ID menu shows the date and time of the last update to the post, the author, the slug, status (published/pending/draft), if a password is required, if comments are open/closed, the comment count, and if pings are open/closed.

The blog ID menu displays the server’s IP address, your local network device’s IP address, the domain of the blog, and search engine accessibility. If search engines cannot access your site (i.e., the site is running on localhost) the blog ID menu displays an alert indicator.

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