The RPS Image Gallery plugin takes over where the WordPress gallery leaves off by adding slideshow and advanced linking capabilities. The plugin overrides the default WordPress Gallery but includes all of its options.
RPS Image Gallery changes the way the gallery is output by using an unordered list instead of using a definition list for each image. This is better because there are fewer lines of code per gallery and, from an accessibility standpoint, the unordered list is better suited to this type of content.
RPS Image Gallery lets you combine and sort attachments from multiple posts into a single gallery and enables a gallery that will automatically wrap to any given container width. You can define sort order of the gallery through the familiar standard interface, and can choose to display image titles and captions in the gallery view.
Any image in the gallery can either invoke a slideshow or link to another page. If a link is specified in the Gallery Link field on the image’s Edit Media screen, the user will be directed to that location. Images that link elsewhere are automatically excluded from the slideshow.