We read an interesting study today that notes that the apps are far more popular than mobile Web, and that long-term users continue to download and use new apps regularly.
A post on VentureBeat summarizes the study conducted by Flurry, an app analytics firm. From the VentureBeat article:
Only 20 percent of American consumers’ time on mobile devices is spent on the web. A massive majority, 80 percent, is spent in apps: games, news, productivity, utility, and social networking apps.
That’s astounding.
The article continues.
Consumers are continuing to try new apps as well, with long-term users adding new apps regularly to their existing stack.
“We believe that with consumers continuing to try so many new apps, the app market is still in early stages and there remains room for innovation as well as breakthrough new applications,” Flurry says.
Clearly, the way to reach consumers in the mobile age is by developing an app for them.